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InQI For Builders
As a builder, how many times a client have come to you and said, can you remodel this kitchen for me? Or how much to build this ADU idea that I have had for a while? And you are thinking to yourself, OMG another one of them, how would I know what to build without a plan and tell them to go and find a designer and then with a design in hand come back.
InQI continues to learn from you as you use it to build project, it will know your style, it will know your cost per labor hour for various projects, it will have access to local material cost for your project too but it will keep in mind your overhead and markups for every project.
Having InQI on your side its like have a design team, an estimating team at your finger tip. You can take on many more projects and provide detail estimate and increase your revenue and productivity in folds.
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